The Winning Edge Coach Podcast

Episode #73 Crafting the Winning Edge: A Strategic Guide to Achieving Your Goals

Kevin Oakley Season 1 Episode 73

Unlock the enigma of success with me, Kevin Oakley, as I guide you through the key components of a Winning Edge mindset. This isn't your run-of-the-mill pep talk; it's a deep drive into how action, consistency, and time serve as the bedrock of true achievement. With a focus on setting definitive, measurable goals, I walk you through articulating your dreams with undeniable clarity. Plus, we'll delve into the undeniable power of knowing your 'why'—the driving force behind your burning ambition.

As your coach and companion on this transformative journey, I lay out a strategic plan like no other, breaking down those grand visions into tangible tasks. Embrace the importance of execution, where even the smallest of steps can lead to monumental progress. And remember, success isn't a straight line—each challenge faced is an invitation to showcase your resilience. By the end of our time together, you'll be equipped with the tools to turn aspirations into reality, ensuring each consistent, strategic action propels you toward your goals. Join me as we set the stage for your success, one deliberate move at a time.


Welcome to episode 73 of the Winning Edge Coach podcast, the podcast where I aim to give you the tools, tactics and techniques to achieve success in every aspect of your life. In this episode, we're exploring the secret source of success, the three key ingredients to creating success. Welcome to the Winning Edge Coach podcast. I am Kevin Oakley. As well as being your host, I am also a Peak Performance mindset and life coach. In each episode, I want to share with you the tools, tactics and techniques to create a Winning Edge mindset to help you to live the life you were meant to live.


Success is something we all strive for, but few truly attain it. Many of us search tirelessly for that elusive magic formula to turn our dreams into reality. But here's the truth success isn't some mystical potion. It's the result of a powerful combination of factors, with action, consistency and time taking centre stage. I often say that the formula for success is action plus consistency, multiplied by time. Another way to look at it if you were to take a rock, place it underneath the tap, gently open that tap, so you've got a consistent drip, drip, drip onto the rock and left it long enough, over time that drip would gradually wear that rock away, the action turning on the tap, the consistency, that gradual drip, drip, drip of water onto the tap, onto the rock, and sufficient time, long enough, it wears the rock away, and that's the same for success. The key ingredients are action, consistency and time. Let's look at the first of those action. It's the catalyst that transforms our aspirations into achievements. It's the bridge between where you are now and where you want to be. Start action. Dreams remain stagnant, mere figments of our imagination waiting to be brought to life.


Setting clear objectives is the first crucial step in the action process. It's about defining precisely what you want to accomplish and why it matters to you. These are the objectives that serve as guiding stars, steering you toward your desired destination with clarity and purpose. And I feel there's two key points to that. One is deciding what you want and defining exactly what you want Very clearly, very succinctly. Define what you want and put measurables to it, so it's not just I want to run them, I want to run. What distance do you want to run and what time frame? No-transcript. The next key aspect to that setting objective is the why. Why do you want to achieve it? It's important to understand you, why and what this achieving this means to you and being very clear in its definition In fact, I go as far as to say is defining what your action is, or what your goal is, and then writing out the reason why you want to achieve it.


Once you've set your objective what you want to achieve your next step is to devise a plan. This involves breaking down your goal into manageable tasks and outlining the key steps needed to reach your end objective. A well-crafted plan not only provides a roadmap, but it also instills a sense of direction and confidence in your ability to succeed. However, a plan alone is not enough. Action requires more than just intention. It demands execution. It's about rolling up your sleeves, diving head first into the journey, regardless of how daunting or uncertain it may seem.


Every action, no matter how small, propels you closer to your goals and reinforces your commitment to success. I would even say that make those steps simple. Make it so that each step on the journey, especially early on the step, is so simple it's almost impossible to fail. It's better to be making very small steps in the direction of where you want to go than overwhelming yourself with massive jumps that you very quickly give up on If your step is so small and so simple that you can't fail. Go very quickly, execute the action.


It's essential to embrace the idea that progress is not always linear. Sometimes, the path to success is marked by setbacks and challenges. However, even in the face of adversity, every step forward, no matter how small, is a testament to your resilience and determination as you embark on your journey towards your end goal. However, every action you take, no matter how insignificant or small it may seem, takes you a step closer to you turning your dreams into reality. And again, as I said, by making those steps easy and simple and almost effortless, it builds the next key ingredient of the secret to success, and that is consistency. Consistency is the secret ingredient that separates dreamers from achievers. It's the unwavering commitment to showing up day in and day out, with a relentless dedication to your goals, that, when it comes to personal development and success, consistency is the cornerstone upon which lasting change is built. It is core consistency about establishing a routine and sticking to it no matter what, whether it's allocating time for daily exercise, relating to a regular meditation practice or diligently on a long term project, consistently breathe momentum and propel you towards your aspirations.


One of the most powerful aspects of consistency is the ability to create habits. James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits, has one technique for establishing a habit, and he calls it the two minute rule. This technique is based on the idea that breaking down those actions into habits, into small, more manageable tasks, makes them easier to start and maintain over time. The two minute rule states that you should make your habits so simple that they've been done in two minutes or less. The idea is that the lower the barrier of entry for your habits makes it nearly impossible to say no to starting them. Here's how you can apply the two minute rule to establish new habits Break it down, identify the habit you want to establish and break it down into some more of these component parts. For example, if you want to start a daily exercise habits, the initial step would be to put your workout gear out the night before, set it out by the side of your bed, so it's ready for the next day and it's just there. You haven't got to start a hundred round for it, it's there.


Week to consistency is showing up on a regular basis, and the one magic ingredient I like for this is what I call maintain the chain, so you find a way to record how consistent you've been. It could be a habit tracker, a tick on a sheet. The idea is that you keep that tick going. So if it's something you want to execute daily, you might put a tick on a calendar each day that you complete it, and the idea is that you maintain the chain. The bigger those row of ticks get, the more consistent you are, the more motivated you become. Consistency breeds motivation. If you maintain the chain, the more unlikely you will want to stop and you will carry on.


It's important to recognize that consistency does not mean perfection. It's about progress, not perfection. There will be days when we falter or encounter obstacles. These obstacles sometimes make it difficult to show up. However, by embracing the adage of making your habit as simple as possible and coupling that with a habit tracker or a consistency and maintaining the chain, it's more than likely that you will have the ability to bounce back, recommit, continue moving forward, even on those days when it's difficult or life throws things in the way. By making it easy or keeping a track will always allow you to get yourself back on course and maintain that consistency. Have a default minimum that, no matter what, that is what you will do.


Let's say your heart of your success plan is to read on a daily basis, or maybe that reading doesn't have to be chapters, it could be. My minimum, default position is one page Reading. One page, two or three minutes and you're done Goes back to the two minute rule. It can be done in a couple of minutes and you've got that consistency that maintains the motivation. It keeps the consistency going and that's where the success is.


In essence, consistency is the fuel that powers the engine of progress and success. It's the steady, persistent effort that transforms dreams into reality. It is that steady drip of water onto the stone. Finally, onto the final ingredient time. Time is indeed the precious currency of success, and understanding its significance when carrying out actions consistently over a prolonged period of time as paramount, I want to delve deeper into the importance of time. Firstly, time is a great equalizer. Regardless of one's background, resources or circumstances, everyone is given the same 24 hours each day. How we choose to utilize this time ultimately determines our success. Over time allows us to harness the power of compounding, where small incremental efforts accumulate into significant results, just as a small stream can carve through a rock over time, or that dripping tap can wear away a rock over time. Consistent action over time can lead to remarkable achievements.


Success is rarely an overnight phenomenon. It's the culmination of countless hours of dedicated effort, repeated day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Whether it's mastering a scale or not, it's the end of the day, building a business or achieving personal goals. Progress is often gradual and incremental. There's no such thing as an overnight success. Behind an overnight success, there is years and years of practice, execution of habits and consistency. This is where patience and perseverance become indispensable virtues, consistently showing up and putting in the work, even when the results are not immediate and apparent, as what sets successful individuals apart.


From the rest and I want to bring in an important factor here Whenever you are aiming for a goal or for a target or a dream, it's important to have a couple of indicators that you're going to measure or monitor. One of these will be what's called a lead indicator, and it's a lot of round the consist, what we talked around on consistency. It's something you can measure that you've executed day in, day out. So let's take, for example, you want to lose weight, so your lead indicator there could be in terms of your calorie deficit, in other words, and when you calories, you are underneath your threshold so that you lose weight, that is your lead indicator. If you're consistently, day in, day out, a couple of hundred or a hundred calories underneath your you know basal metabolic rate and so you're in deficit and burning fat, that is your lead indicator. And ticking that off day in, day out. The lag indicator is the other measure you will use, which is the scales. You might jump on the scales initially and not see any movement, but over time, that lag indicator, because of your lead indicator, will gradually start to move too. So you've got the motivation and the consistency of your lead indicator, but also your lag indicator, where you start to see the needle move, especially from a scales point of view, as another key indicator.


Moreover, time provides us with the opportunity to redefine or refine and improve our actions. Through consistent practice and iteration, we gain valuable insights, learn from mistakes and fine tune our strategies. This process of trialing area is essential for growth and development. Like it was Thomas Edison that said famously said I have not failed, I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Each setback is an opportunity to learn and course correct, ultimately bringing us closer to our success.


What we set out at the beginning of that journey around, the actions and the habits may not deliver the success we need. And in order to do that, we have to make changes and keep going. It's that setting out on a journey and constantly course correcting to keep yourself on track. It's like the old sailing ships setting sail from the Arbor because the winds, tides, etc. Making my needs adjustments all the time to stay on course. It's the same with your journey to success. You've got to keep making adjustments, learning what doesn't work. Remember one of my big sayings there's no failure, only feedback. So by looking what works and doubling down on that, but making note of what doesn't work and making adjustments and adjusting for that, and then applying that consistency will basically give you the roadmap to success.


In essence, time is both a resource and a constraint. How we use it shapes our destiny and determines our level of success. By recognizing the importance of time when carrying out actions consistently over a period of, we unlock the potential to extreme to achieve extraordinary feats and leave a lasting impact on the world. So, in conclusion, success isn't a destination. It's a journey fueled by action, consistency and time. We're taking the fact decisive action, gaining unwavering consistency and wisely using that consistency over a long period of time, we will unlock the door to our wildest dreams. Let's wrap for today's part episode of the winning edge culture podcast. Remember success equals action plus consistency multiplied by time. So seize it with both hands and until next time, keep striving, keep believing and keep winning. Thanks again, I'll see you next time.