The Winning Edge Coach Podcast
Welcome to the Winning Edge Coach Podcast, where we explore ways to unlock your potential and foster personal growth.
Each episode shares tools, techniques, and strategies to help you step outside your comfort zone and discover new possibilities.
This podcast is designed to inspire and guide you as you navigate challenges, build confidence, and strive to create a life you’re excited about. Join us as we explore what it takes to grow, evolve, and embrace your best self.
The Winning Edge Coach Podcast
Transform Your Mindset with a 2-Minute Routine: Unleashing Your Best Self
What if a simple, two-minute routine could transform your approach to daily challenges? Discover the art of aligning your physiological and mental states with host Kevin Oakley on this special midweek episode of the Winning Edge Coach Podcast. Whether you're stepping into the role of a parent, a manager, or gearing up for a workout, Kevin unveils a powerful technique that empowers you to embody the best version of yourself. This episode is packed with insights on visualizing your ideal self and syncing your actions and emotions to achieve peak performance in any situation.
Kevin takes you on a journey to explore how a brief pause and a few focused questions can redefine your mindset after a tough day at work or during a hectic morning. By picturing yourself as the ultimate parent or professional, you'll learn how to engage more meaningfully with those around you and cultivate a presence that fosters motivation and connection. Join Kevin as he guides you through this transformative process step by step, equipping you with a practical tool to create a winning edge mindset and embrace the life you truly deserve.
Hi everybody, welcome back to the Winning Edge Coach Podcast, where I'm going to give you the tools, tactics and techniques to succeed in every aspect of your life. I'm your host, kevin Oakley. This is a midweek version of the podcast. It's a shorter than normal episode. Than normal episode. The aim of the Wednesday wrap-up episodes is to give you an actionable technique or piece of advice that you can go away try almost immediately and see if it helps you. In this episode, I want to give you a technique will help you to get into both the right physiological state and the right mental state for whatever situation you're encountering, and it could be any aspect of your life, from being a parent to being a manager, to being an athlete, to being working out in the gym. It could be absolutely any aspect of your life. It takes two minutes and it's really powerful. Welcome to the Winning Edge Coach Podcast. I am Kevin Oakley. As well as being your host, I'm also a peak performance mindset and life coach. In each episode, I want to share with you the tools, tactics and techniques to create a winning edge mindset, to help you to live the life you were meant to live. To live the life you were meant to live. In this episode, I'm going to give you a technique that helps you to get into the right frame of mind for whatever you're about to do. Before we do that, I've got a favour to ask If you're listening to the podcast and you're enjoying it. Please can you hit the subscribe button. That way it helps us to get found, it expands the audience of the podcast and we get more listeners. I can invest more time and more effort into the podcast and you guys will get more from it. But that's just a favour from me, right?
Speaker 1:We all find ourselves in situations where we're just not in the right frame of mind. Have you ever come in from work at the end of a hard day, parked up on the drive, getting out the car, you know you've got your kids waiting for you and you just again don't want to go in and just slump down in front of the TV and not be present for your kids, not to hear about their day, what's happened to them, etc. Or it could be first thing in the morning, parking up at work, and it's one of those days You're just not feeling it that morning, you're not engaged, you're not motivated. Well, this technique is for you and it's very simple. The first part of the technique and I call it the two minute rule because it literally takes two minutes. But let's use the example of going home, parking on the drive it's been a hard day and the first question is what would the best dad in the world look like, act like and feel like? So that's the first stages to ask yourself that question what would the best dad, or even the best mom, in the world look like, act like and feel like? The next bit is the important bit. It's actually to take through each step of that process. So what would the best dad in the world look like?
Speaker 1:Get a mental image of how you would look if you were the best dad in the world. How would you hold yourself? How would you stand? Get that captivating image of what you, as the best dad in the world, would look like. Now ask yourself how would you act as the best dad in the world If you were going in to the house? How would you act? How would you engage with your children? How would you engage with your wife? Or, if you're a mum, again, how would you engage with your kids? Or how would you engage with your husband? How would you act around them.
Speaker 1:Get that image of how the best mum or dad in the world would act. How would they go about, how would they carry themselves, what would the voice be like, what would they do? Get that image, get that mental image and run through it. And the final bit is actually what would it feel like? What feelings would they have or would you have as the best mum or dad in the world? Just examine that feelings, but how would you feel? And just spend a few minutes as you go through that process of getting that image of what the best dad or mum in the world would look like, act like and feel like. Encompass that image and if it helps for those two minutes, once you've got that image, if you need to make it a little bit bolder, a little bit brighter, that mental image, you can turn up the colours on it, you can bring it a little bit closer to you. But once you've got it, you can actually almost step into it and wear it like it was you, like almost stepping into a costume. Try it, try it today. You can even, as I said, it could be first thing in the morning when you listen to this podcast and you're parked outside the office. Okay, ask yourself whatever your title is let's say you are CEO, let's go big here. Okay, what would the best CEO look like, act like and feel like? Just spend two minutes pondering those three questions. What would the best CEO look like, act like, feel like? Get all the feelings, all the thoughts, the visual image of that and embrace it and see what difference it makes to your day.
Speaker 1:As I said, this is a new short version of the podcast out on a Wednesday. It's called the Wednesday Wrap-Up. Short, sharp, positive actions you can take into the rest of the day and the rest of the week, until the next episode of the podcast out on a Saturday morning. Hope you enjoyed today's episode. Go and give the two minute rule a go. That was the Winning Edge Coach podcast. Thanks for listening. If you enjoyed this episode of the Winning Edge Coach podcast and you'd like to help support the podcast, please hit the subscribe button and, if possible, leave a rating or a review. Also, please feel free to share the podcast with others and post about it on your favourite social media platform. To catch all the latest from me, you can follow me on Twitter at winningedgepod. Thanks again. I'll see you next time.